LSPV Consulting, Munich

Investing in Photovoltaic Power Plants

Capital spending in large plants is among others requiring a comprehensive technical know-how: beginning from planning via realization, commissioning, up to the long-term plant operation over decades. The success of a project is to a great extent dependent on the right qualification and expertise of the planning engineers.

Investors for example, banks, insurance companies, public Institutions, and even PV companies are e.g. quite often facing problems like this:

  • From where to get independent and profound information on LSPV applications – detached from EPC contractors or component suppliers?
  • Who is having excellent experience and the expertise for giving qualified answers or for getting a better understanding of LSPV and related problems?
  • From where to get in a short time a qualified and state-of-the art introduction in LSPV projects for decision making?
  • A PV company wants to step up well and effectively guided in the “Megawatt Project League”. It needs a competent know-how transfer for risk minimising.

Does one of the questions reflect your situation? Then do not hesitate contacting LSPV Consulting – since expertise and experience always pays!

Sehrbruchskamp 43
D-44625 Herne

Tel. +49 (0)2323 96 08 795
Mobil +49 (0)151 14 93 64 14


Member of

IEA International Energy Agency
Programme on Photovoltaic Power Systems
Task 8 and Task 13

Internationale Energieagentur IEA

German VDE